Nitro Thrash Status 4
In the past month, I've made 62 commits.
Here are some notable changes I've made to the game:
- Designed most of level 3, gameplay-wise.
- Added a bit more detail to level 2
- Added a shiny finish as a player cosmetic
- Added new paintjobs for Dambro and Ambassador
- Enhanced brake light shader to be more noticable
- Smashing into a wall now counts as a 'crash' and cancels your current trick and displays a cracked screen
- Made tilting 'into' a grind slightly more powerful
- Allowed upside-down and sideways grinds to count
- Fixed a physics bug where you would rotate too much when hitting a wall while driving on the ground
- Increased coyote-time for grounded jump direction
- Cars now stick to walls consistently when driving up them
- Added manual spins as a trick
- Fixed tippie-toe detection when very low to the ground
- Tuned score system to reward non-grinds more
- Added 'collect Nitro' mission with big floating letters
- Added 'collect Combo' mission with big floating letters
- Added high score mission
- Fixed mission preview for 'shutdown lackluster' mission
- Recreated all settings menus for the newer menu system
- Added FOV slider
- Made using nitro increase your FOV and display speed lines
- Added misison failed, mission success, combo failed, teleport, and spraypaint sound effects
- Fixed a networking bug that caused players to go invisible when changing levels
- Added a new camera mode for replay mode that orbits the target
- Added button sprites to bind menu
- Added a bunch of missing button bind sprites
- Fixed some problems with shadows